
Monday, March 29, 2010

random thoughts

was just sittin lookin up at the ceiling and a thought came to my mind. something which i had thought about quite some years back. so thought of sharing it with you. and also had not updated my blog in quite a while.;)

when we were kids, we used to look up at the teenagers and think, wish i was a little older, would have had much more freedom. when mom used to make us wear extra warm clothes even when we were already hot in winters, but she wouldnt listen saying that she knows better. and we could'nt argue and had to wear 'em, sweating inside. frustration used make my blood boil. thinking that i know how hot i already am. i used to pray, oh lord, when will i be a little older that mom will trust me when i say im not cold.

as a teenager, i used to look up to adults and think, boy must they be happy, they can drive cars without the risk f being caught as underage drivers. they can hang out with friends till late without being thrown a huge questionnaire when you get home. i mean adults are really respected in the society, as if they know what they are doing and are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves. when you're seventeen, people still take you as kids, but as soon as you turn eighteen, you're entirely a different person and people look at you in an entirely new way. Even the Indian government acknowledges you as a person. you get your driver's license, your voter card, your PAN card and what not. till seventeen you were no one and now they entrust you with even choosing the government. sheesh... how'd they decide that eighteen was the right age... i wonder...

when adults see people in their thirties, they think they are at the peak of their lives. do whatever you wanna do. no one to question at all. the cycle goes on.

but the sad part is, with more freedom, comes more responsibility. when we were kids, we just had to wonder about our homework. as teenagers, we had homework plus peers. as adults we had college work, jobs, peers, partners and so on.

and the worst part is, human nature, when we were kids, we so wanted to become adults and when we became adults, we wish we were kids, life was so easy then... never be happy or satisfied with what you have.

sad. sad. sad.


  1. You're right. With more power or freedom, comes more responsibilities. As we grow up, we realize it easily. But, you know what, we have to accept whatever we are going through in our life, right? And I know you know it very well. ;)

  2. yeah. we have to accept everything, the earlier we do, the more time we have to move on.. we delay the acceptance and we waste precious time which we could have invested elsewhere..:)

  3. I know what you are referring to indirectly. :)


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